
Oaks are trees and shrubs of the beech (бук) family. There are about 450 species, or types, of oak. They are common in places with mild weather. Oaks can take 100 years to develop fully and can then live another 900 years. 

They have thick trunks and large branches that spread wide. The leaves can have rounded, rough, or smooth edges. Oaks bear male flowers and female flowers on the same tree. The fruit is the acorn (желудь) - a round nut in a woody cup. New oaks can grow easily from acorns. 

Oaks have many uses. The wood of many types of oak is valued in carpentry and building

Larches are trees that belong to the pine family. They are conifers, which means thet they grow cones. Most conifers are evergreens, or trees that keep their leaves all year long. Larches are unusual because they shed their leaves in the autumn. 

Larches grow mainly in cool areas in hte northern half of the world. One species, or kind, of larch grows only in the Himalaya Mountains of southern Asia. 

Larches have needle-shaped leaves that grow in clusters. New cones on the trees are bright red. Later the cones turn brown.  

The wood of larches is strong, hard, and heavy. It is used to make ships, telephone poles, and railroad ties. 


Maples are trees and shrubs that are often planted in parks and along city streets. They are good shade trees beacuse their leaves form thick dome. In autumn the leaves turn spectacular colors, such as yellow, pink, orange, scarlet, and deep purple. 

Maple syrup is made from the sap (сок) of sugar maples. 

Другие деревья:

Облепиха - sea-buckthorn ['bʌkθɔːn]
Ива плакучая - weeping willow  
Черемуха - bird cherry tree
Сирень - lilac ['laɪlək]
Тис - yew [juː]
Сосна - pine 
Вяз - elm
Яблоня - apple tree
Липа - lime tree или linden 
Можжевельник - juniper ['ʤuːnɪpə]
Ясень - ash tree 
Пихта - fir, silver fir    

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