вторник, 24 марта 2015 г.

Plants. Или учим названия растений.

Пришла весна, скоро полезет травка и цветочки. Самое время вспомнить или узнать их названия на английском языке, заодно повторить ботанику. Что растет у нас под ногами весной и летом? Например, одуванчики. С них и начнем.

Одуванчик - DANDELION ['dændɪlaɪən]
Dandelions are plants with bright yellow blossoms that turn into round, fluffy seed heads.
Each seed is attached to a feathery structure. These seeds can scatter widely in the breeze.

Dandelions are small plants and grow low to the ground. Green, jagged-edged leaves surround the base of a hollow stem.

The bitter young leaves are used in salads, and the roots can be used to make coffee-like beverage.

jagged-edged - зубчатые
stem - стебель, цветоножка

Подорожник - PLANTAIN ['plænteɪn]

A low-growing plant which typically has a rosette of leaves and a slender green flower spike, occurring widely as a weed of lawns.

Tea brewed from leaves used to treat coughs and bronchitis. Leaves are used for sores, blisters swellings, and insect stings.  

rosette [rəu'zet] - розетка
spike - колос 
brew - заварить

Тысячелистник - YARROW ['jærəu]

A Eurasian plant of the daisy family, with feathery leaves and heads of small white, yellow, or pink aromatic flowers. It's frequently used during cold and flu season, addressing a variety of symptoms from oncoming sore throats to fevers. Yarrow is well known for its wound healing capabilitites, particularly in stanching the flow of blood. The herb is considered a vulnerary and hemostatic with antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Stanch - останавливать кровотечение
Vulnerary ['vʌln(ə)rərɪ] - целительный

Клевер - CLOVER ['kləuvə] 

A cool-season perennial that is often found growing in patches along roadsides and is pastures and
lawns. It has trifoliate leaves which consist of 3 oval-shaped leaflets. White flowers (often tinged with pink) appear in eraly summer. It is popular for livestock grazing, soil improvement, erosion control.   

Perennial [p(ə)'renɪəl] - многолетний
Trifoliate [traɪ'fəulɪət] - трёхлистный

To be/live in clover - жить припеваючи

Крапива - NETTLE ['netl]

Nettles are wild plants which have leaves covered with fine hairs that sting you when you touch them.

Stinging ['stɪŋɪŋ] nettle is the name of this plant. Nettle acts as a hair tonic and growth stimulant, restoring color, and beauty to hair. It improves the health of skin, scalp, and hair.

Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you - Смелость города берет.

Мокрица - CHICKWEED ['ʧɪkwiːd]

Мокрица или мокричник. 

Any of various low-growing small-leaved weedy plants of the pink family, a cosmopolitan weed. 

Weed - сорная трава 
Сosmopolitan weed - сорняк, распространенный по всему миру. 

Ромашка - CAMOMILE ['kæməmaɪl]

Camomile is a scented plant with flowers like small daisies. The flowers can be used to make herbal tea. Camomile tea is used as a tonic and an antiseptic. 

Daisy - маргаритка


Its tall, erect stems 1 meter high, densely clothed with long, narrow, minutely-toothed leaves, terminate in long, showy spikes of flowers of a light rose-purple, hence the name Rose Bay. In Ireland we find it called "Blooming Sally".   

 И для общего развития: 

 Shoot - побег 
 Stem - стебель, цветоножка 
 Node - узел 
 Internode - междоузлие 
 Bud - почка 
 Root system - корневая система 
 Primary root - главный корень 
 Secondary root - боковой корень 

Petal - лепесток 
Anther ['ænθə] - пыльник  
   Filament - тычиночная нить 
   Receptacle [rɪ'septəkl] - цветоложе 
   Ovary - завязь 
   Sepal ['sepəl] - чашелистик 
   Style - столбик
   Stigma - рыльце

Другие статьи из этого раздела: 

Учим названия животных 
Учим названия деревьев 
Учим названия ягод