понедельник, 9 февраля 2015 г.


Сегодня решила разобраться с названиями ягод, чтобы уже наконец перестать путать клюкву с брусникой, а ежевику с черникой. Итак, ягоды, встречающиеся в наших сибирских лесах (кроме ежевики): 

1. Клюква - Cranberries

Cranberries are fruits with a sour taste.

People use cranberries to make sauces, jellies, baked goods, and juice.

Cranberries contain minerals and vitamis A and C. 

They grow in wet, spongy soil in places called bogs. 

2. Брусника - Cowberry, foxberry or mountain cranberry. 

Foxberries are used for jam, boiled with sugar or just crushed with sugar and preserved by freezing. 

The berries contain a lot of benzoic acid, and the boiled jam is therefore easily conserved without freezing. 

They are also called lingonberries.

3. Красная смородина - Red currant

These shiny little berries grow low on bushes, hanging from branches like rows of miniature ges. Red currants can be eaten fresh, cooked, or dried. They can also be frozen for long term preservation and use. 

Red currants' natural tart flavor and astringency is enhanced with sweetening via sugar, honey, agave nectar, and of course through cooking. Red currants add flavor  and texture to sauces, liqeuers. jams, jellies and syrups.

4. Черная смородина - Black currant

A popular berry during summertime, black currants offer a wealth of nutrients not found anywhere else. The plump little black currant can be quite sour however, so it's one fruit that usually requires some type of added sweetness, such as honey or syrup, for eating as is or for baking. Black currant sauce can make a delicious savory sauce for serving with lamb, turkey, or fish.

5. Земляника -  Wild strawberries

Wild strawberry is a common creeping plant that grows in forests, fields, lawns, forest edges, roadsides, and streamsides (just about everywhere). Creeping plants, like strawberries, have runners. Runners are stems which grow sideways on the surface of the soil. As the runners grow, they send up new strawberry plants. 

6. Черника - Billberries or whortleberries

Whortleberry is also known by many other names - winberry, windberry, blaeberry, etc. 

Billberry is used for the treatment of poor night vision, day blindness, cataracts and glaucoma. 

It grows on wet acidic soils on heathland, moorland, tundra and in the understory of coniferous forests.

7. Голубика -  Blueberries or bog billberries

Blueberries are very popular and have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings. 

They are better eaten fresh after washing in cold water. Blueberries are sweet and juicy, and stain teeth and tongue deep blue.

Dry blueberries are one of the most preferred berries in the preparation of muffins, pies, and cheesecakes.

8. Облепиха - Sea buckthorn 

Seabuckthorn berries are very useful, they are used for preventing infections, improving sight, and slowing the aging process. Sea buckthorn contains vitamins A, B1, B2,  B6, C, and other active ingredients.

Some people apply sea buckthorn berries or berry concentrate to the skin preventing sunburn. 

In food, sea buckthorn berries are used to make jellies, juices, purees, and sauces. 

9. Жимолость - Honeysuckle or edible blue honeysuckle berries

Blue honeysuckle is also called haskap. Haskap berries are high in vitamin C and a great source of antioxidants. 

Haskap produces fruit as early as mid-June and is exceptionally winter hardy. 

Blue honesuckle berries may also keep your eyes healthy.  

10. Ежевика - Blackberries 

Technically, blackberry is an aggregate fruit consisting of small drupeletes arranged in circular fashion. Each drupelet composes of juicy pulp with single tiny seed. 

as in other kinds of bush berriesm blackberries too are packed with numerous plant nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietry fiber that are essential for optimum health.

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