понедельник, 22 декабря 2014 г.

Animals. Простыми словами о животных.

A is for Alligator
Alligators live in America. They are giant, intelligent reptiles directly descended from ancient crocodilians that were alive before the dinosaurs. Alligators can live for a century. They can wait a year between meals.  Alligators eat almost everything! Primarily they eat fish, small mammals and snakes. Alligators spend most of their time in the water. They swim by moving their tails back and forth like fish.

Primarily [praɪ'mer(ə)lɪ] – в основном, главным образом.

B is for Bear  

Bears are fast runners, excellent swimmers and good climbers. They
may look cute, but this animal is very dangerous!
Bears are solitary animals. Only mother and cubs live together. Cubs love to play! Playing teaches them hunting skills. Bears sleep all winter. This deep sleep is called hibernation. They don't eat and drink during this time.
Everyone knows bears like honey! In fact, they eat plants, leaves, nuts and roots as well as insects, fish, birds and mammals.
Koala bears aren't real bears. Like kangaroos, they have pouches in which they carry their babies. Pandas can spend up to 16 hours a day feeding. They can eat more than 10 kilograms of bamboo a day!

Solitaryживущий обособленно (одиночка)
Cub – детеныш зверя (тут: медвежонок)
Hibernation [ˌhaɪbə'neɪʃ(ə)n] – зимняя спячка
Pouch [pauʧ] – сумка 

C is for Camel

Camels are called ships of the desert. They have several adaptations
that protect them during sandstorms. They are used for transport, milk, hides and wool.
A camel's hump stores fat not water. Fat is a source of energy when food is scarce. Babies are born without a hump.
Camels may not drink water for up to six months. A thirsty camel can drink 100 liters of water in 10 minutes! Camels have three stomachs. They chew their cud like cows. Most camels are fed by people. They eat grass and grain.
The camel is one of the oldest domesticated animals. People have been using them for more than 10,000 years.
The Bactrian camel has two humps and a very thick coat. It lives in Asia in areas that are mostly grasslands.

Hides – кожсырье
Hump – горб
Cud – жвачка
Grassland – пастбище

D is for Dolphin

Altough they live in the water, dolphins are mammals, not fish. They are intelligent, playful
creatures, friendly to humans.
A newborn dolphin is about a third as long as its mommy. A mother dolphin will stay with a calf for 2 to 3 years. Dolphins are social animals. They live and hunt in groups. They help other sick dolphins as often as they can.
Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt. They communicate with each other with clicks and whistles.
Dolphins eat fish, squid and small marine life. They don't chew their food. They use their teeth to catch their prey.
Dolphins can jump as high as 6 meters out of the water. Some of them can dive as deep as 300 meters.
Dolphins have large and complex brains. They are as intelligent as dogs. Being fast learners, they are able to generalize and learn human sign language.

Calf – детеныш
Squid [skwɪd] - кальмар

E is for Elephant
Elephants are the largest mammals in the world that live on land. They have a gentle personality, and are very sensitive and clever.
Elephants live in family groups. All the babies and females follow the oldest female elephant. The adult males live alone.
Elephants eat leaves, grass and tree barks. They can cry, laugh, have incredible memories, and are very intelligent. For example, they can recognize themselves in the mirror. Just few animals are able to do that.
The most amazing feature of the elephant is its long nose. The elephants use the trunk to eat, drink, touch and greet each other, and grab small items.
Asian elephants have smaller ears and tusks than African elephants. The tusks are made of ivory, which is very valuable.
The elephants flap their big ears to cool themselves.

Tusk – бивень
Ivory – слоновая кость
Flap – хлопать

F is for Fish

Fish live and breathe in water, have slimy bodies and are cold-blooded. There are many kinds of fish, some have bones, but others only cartilage.
Angelfish are brightly-colored, flattened fish. They live in coral reefs in tropical seas, and are plant-eaters.
Eels have a long, snake-like body. Some of them can make electricity. Many eels migrate over long distances to breed or eat.
Goldfish have orange scales and long, flowing fins. They were domesticated over a thousand years ago by the Chinese.
Rays are very flat fish closely related to sharks. The biggest ray is the Manta Ray which is over 7 m long and weighs many tons.
Seahorses can change their color to hide themselves. The male seahorse carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch.

Cartilage ['kɑːtɪlɪʤ] – хрящ
Angelfish – рыба-ангел
Flattened – сплющенный
Eel – угорь
Scale – чешуйка
Ray – скат
Manta ray – морской дьявол

G is for Giraffe
Giraffes, the tallest of the land animals, live in the savannas of Africa. They are well known for their long necks, long legs and spotted patterns.
Giraffes usually live in family troops of 2 to 6. While mothers feed, calves are kept in small nursery groups.
No two giraffes have the same pattern. They use their markings to hide themselves among trees. They sleep only about a half an hour per day. They rarely lay down. They sleep and give birth standing up.
Giraffes are quite agile and can run very fast. They can moo, hiss, roar and whistle. Their long necks help them eat leaves from acacia trees.
Giraffes have the largest eyes of any land mammal. A giraffe's tongue can extend almost 45 cm.

Troop – стадо
Agile ['æʤaɪl] – проворный, быстрый
Acacia [ə'keɪʃə] - акация  

H is for Hippo

Hippos live in the rivers, lakes and swamps. They are the third largest African animal. Adult hippos have no natural enemy.
Baby hippos are usually born underwater. They learn to swim before they can walk.
Hippos spend most of their day in water. Being too heavy to swim, they navigate under water by walking on the bottom. At night hippos leave the water. They walk to their favorite meadows and nibble on the grass.
A male hippo can weigh half a ton. Even though hippos are so big, they only eat plants, and can eat 45 kg grass every night.
The name hippopotamus comes from the Greek and means river horse. But the hippo is more closely related to the pig than the horse.
Hippos may look cute, but actually they are very dangerous. They can be extremely aggressive and unpredictable, especially if they feel threatened.

Nibble on the grass – щипать траву

I is for Insect

There are over 1 million different known species of insects in the world, and some experts
estimate that there might be as many as 10 million!
Ant colonies consist of males, females and workers. The queen ant has wings and can live up to ten years.
Butterflies can see red, green and yellow. They have four wings and six legs. They test with their feet.
Dragonflies have huge eyes and powerful jaws. The dragonflies are ancient insects, they were around before the dinosaurs.
Flies are the only insects that have two wings. They don't grow, they are born full size.
Our most common ladybug has seven spots. In many countries ladybugs are considered to be good luck.
Only female mosquitoes feed on or bite humans. They prefer children to adults, and blondes to brunettes.

Ant colony – муравейник

J is for Jellyfish
Jellyfish have fish in their name, but they are not fish. They live in every ocean in the world, even in freshwater lakes too.
Jellyfish are made up mostly of water. They have no heart, no blood, no eyes, no bones, and even no brain. They are shaped like a bell or like an umbrella. Some of them can glow in the dark.
Jellyfish may be tiny or quite large. The smallest are the size of peas. The largest are 2m in a diameter.
Jellyfish feed on small plankton animals. If there is not a lot of food around, they can shrink in size, so they need less food. They are ancient creatures. They first appeared about 650 million years ago.

Feed on – питаться

K is for Kangaroo

Kangaroos are the symbol of Australia. They appear on Australian postage stamps, coins, and even on Australian planes.
Usually, kangaroos have one young annually. Females have a pouch in which babies live and drink milk for 8 months. They vary enormously in size. The biggest grow to 2 m, the smallest are 20 cm high.
Kangaroos eat leaves, grass, herbs and roots. They need little water and can go for months without drinking.
Kangaroos travel in groups. The leader dominates younger rivals by kicking, biting and boxing.
The kangaroo moves by hopping. It uses its tail for balance.
When European explorers first saw that animal, they asked an Aborigine what it was called. He replied: Kangaroo. They thought it was the animal's name, but this word meant: I don't understand.

Poutch – сумка
Rival ['raɪv(ə)l] – соперник

L is for Lion
Lions live in bush, grasslands, savannas and woodlands. The lion is a symbol of power, courage and nobility.
Lions are the most social of all the cats and live in groups called prides. There can be up to forty members in a pride. In a pride, lions hunt prey, raise cubs, and defend their territory together.
Hunting generally is done in the dark by lionesses. Males eat first, then females, and cubs last.
The main job of males is defending the pride's territory. A male's load roar, usually heard after sunset, can carry for as far as eight kilometers.
The term King of the Beast is misleading. A lion will run from many creatures, including elephants.

Pride – прайд (группа львов)
Misleading – обманчивый

M is for Monkey

There are two types of monkeys: the Old World Monkey and the New World Monkey.
In baboon society, staring and showing teeth are considered a threat. Baboons have a number of calls: alarm is given by a dog-like bark.
Chimpanzees use tools to open nuts, to catch termites, and for drinking water. Also, they use large sticks and branches as clubs or throw them at enemies.
Gibbons spend most of their life in the trees. They cannot swim and avoid water. When on the ground, they walk on two legs.
Gorillas laugh when they are tickled, and cry when they are sad or hurt. They are very intelligent, for example they can learn to communicate in human sign language.
Macaques are found in Asia from Afghanistan to Japan. They are highly intelligent and display a great variety of calls and facial expressions.
Orangutans are highly intelligent with an ability to reason and think. The word orangutan means man of the forest in the Malay language.

Old World Monkeys – мартышки
New World Monkeys – капуцины, цепкохвостые обезьяны
Club – дубинка
Macaque - [mə'kɑːk]

N is for Newts
Newts are brightly colored salamanders. These small amphibians are found in moist, wooded areas in North America, Europe and Asia.
Newts spend their lives near water. The newt's underbelly is usually yellow. Many newts have red spots along their sides. They have four fingers on each of the front legs and five toes on each of the hind legs.
A newt's tail is flat on both sides. They have the ability to regenerate limbs, eyes and spinal cords.
A newt's skin is always soft and moist. They produce toxins in their skin secretions as a defense mechanism against predators. Newts eat insects, worms, snails, and small fish. A newt's prey must be moving in order to attract the newt.

Newt – тритон
Limbs - конечности      

O is for Owl

Owls are mysterious birds. They like lonely places. In many countries the owl is a symbol of wisdom.

The mother owl lays her eggs 2-3 days apart. The father owl and mother owl sometimes take turns sitting on the eggs. Owls sleep during the day and hunt during the night. They hunt and eat rodents, insects, frogs and birds.
Owls are silent in flight. They have the most highly developed sense of hearing of all birds.
Owls see mostly in black and white. Their large eyes face forwards. Other birds have eyes on the sides of their heads. Owls cannot move their eyes. Instead, they can turn their heads as much as 270 degrees to follow a moving object.

Rodent – грызун

P is for Penguin
Penguins are birds, but unlike most birds they are not able to fly. They live in the southern half of the world. Many penguins are not afraid of people.
Penguins are very social and live in colonies. They are very cute, very sturdy, and are excellent parents.
A male penguin offers a pebble to a female penguin. If she takes it, they become partners. Some penguins don't build nests, instead they carry their eggs on their feet.
To move quickly penguins flop on their bellies and slide. The legs and feet are set far back on the body, which gives them their upright posture on land.
Penguins can't fly, but they are great swimmers. They use their wings like paddles to swim through the water.
Feet are small so that penguins don't lose too much heat as they stand on the cold ice. They help each other to stay warm: they gather together and keep shuffling around.
Penguins eat seafood. Their main diet is fish and krill. Some penguins don't drink water. Instead they eat snow.

Sturdy – крепкий, сильный
Pebbleнебольшой камень
Flop – шлепаться, плюхаться.
Krill – криль (мелкие морские рачки)

R is for Raccoon

Raccoons are curious, intelligent and often troublesome mammals. They may be found in
hollow trees, ground burrows and brush piles.
The raccoon is about the size of a small dog. They have a black mask over their eyes and a heavily furred, ringed tail.
Raccoons give birth to 2-6 kits at one time. A baby raccoon's eyes do not open until about three weeks. They are great climbers. You can see them high in the branches of a tree on a moonlit night.
Raccoons prefer wooded areas. They are nocturnal, but sometimes they are active during the day. They live between one and three years. They eat almost anything available. Their diet includes animals, fruits, nuts and grass.
Raccoons dip their food in water. They grasp and rub it in a way that makes them look like they are washing their food.

Burrow['bɜːrəu] – нора
Kit – детеныш пушного зверя
Nocturnal[nɔk'tɜːn(ə)l] – ведущий ночной образ жизни

S is for Seal
Seals are marine mammals. There are lots of kinds of seals. Scientists group them into three main types: true seals, eared seals, and walruses.
Most seals live in cold water. They spend their time in the sea, but also enjoy sunbathing on rocks or on the beach.
Seals have flippers at the ends of their arms and legs to help them swim. Some seals can swim as fast as 40 km per hour; others can dive down deeply.
Seals don't walk well on land. Some seals use their flippers to slide across ice. They can slide along as fast as 25 km per hour!
Seals have very good vision in water. The eye must focus in both air and water, so it is very large and round.
Seals hear very well in both water and air. Females and pups often call to each other. Seals may snort, hiss, growl, or sneeze.
Seals have a keen sense of smell in air, which allows them to detect predators. Most seals eat fish, squid and krill.

Flippers – ласты   
Pup – тюлененок, нерпенок.
Snort – фыркать, храпеть

T is for Tiger

Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They live in steamy hot jungles as well as icy cold
Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 1 kg. They live with their mother until they are two to three years old, then they find own territories.
Adult tigers like to live alone. In the forest a single tiger can sneak up its prey better than a group of tigers can. A tiger can eat as much as 40 kg of meat in one feeding. Tigers may drag their prey to water to eat.
Tigers can see in color. They can also see in the dark six times better than humans can.
A tiger's tail is about half as long as its body. Tigers use their tails for balance when they run, and to communicate with other tigers.
Scientists think that stripes act as camouflage. The stripes are like human fingerprints. No two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.

Sneak up – подкрадываться незаметно

V is for Viper
Vipers are weird creatures. They can move without legs, and can cause sickness or death with a single bite.
Vipers are heavy-bodied, poisonous snakes. They don't see and hear well. They have no eyelids and no external ear openings.
Can vipers hypnotize people and animals? The myth probably arose because of the way snakes stare without moving.
Tree Vipers are long, thin and very light. They eat frogs, lizards and small mammals. The Eyelash Viper is a nocturnal snake. It is one of the smallest poisonous snakes in America, but one of the most dangerous.

Viper – змея, гадюка

W is for Whale

Whales are large, intelligent animals. They are not fish, they are mammals that spend their
entire lives in the water.
Whales swim by moving their tails up and down. Fish swim by moving their tails left and right.
Some whales are lungers. They take in huge gulps of water and fish at the same time.
Some whales are skimmers. They swim along with their mouths open, and strain the water out before they swallow their fish dinner.
The Blue Whale is the largest animal on Earth. Its heart is as big as a car, and its tongue is as long as an elephant.
Beluga Whales can sing. They are called sea canaries, because that's what their songs sound like.
Grey Whales make the longest seasonal migration. They travel about 12,500 miles each year.

Gulp – глоток
Skimmer – водорез
Strain – фильтровать, процеживать

X is for Fox
Foxes are the smallest member of the dog family. They have characteristics of both dogs and cats, and are nocturnal animals.
The Red Fox is the most common species of the foxes. It lives in Europe, North America, Australia, Asia, and the Arctic.
Newborn cubs weigh 100 grams each, are blind and deaf, and can't walk. Their mother must stay with them, their father brings food back for her to eat.
Foxes are mainly nocturnal animals. They are most active in the early morning hours and during the early hours of darkness.
The fox has a very keen sense of sight, hearing and smelling. Being predators, they use their senses to stalk their prey with stealth and patience.
The fox is a solitary animal. It usually hunts alone, rather than in packs like wolves or dogs.
Foxes eat almost anything, their diet depends on where they live. Foxes from the countryside eat hares, earthworms, beetles, birds' eggs, and fallen fruit.

Stalk – подкрадываться к добыче
Stealth [stelθ] – уловка, хитрость
Pack – стая

Y is for Yak

Yaks originate in the Himalayan Mountains, and have been domesticated for about 5000 years.
Yaks have great balance and never fall down. People use them for packing, riding, milking, clothing, ropes, tents, fuel for the fire, and meat.
Only a few hundred yaks are left in the wild. Wild and tame yaks don't like each other. If they meet, the wild ones may attack.
Domestic yaks come in a variety colors from white to brown. Their fur is thick. They can easily live in temperatures as low as 40 degrees below zero.
Yaks are intelligent animals each with its own personality. They learn to come when called and have highly developed sense of sight and hearing.
Yaks weigh about 100 kg. They eat grass, shrubs, herbs, lichens, leaves, twigs, grain, and hay.
Yaks generally live 20 - 25 years. They make a grunting sound when agitated, hungry, or calling their calves.

Shrub – кустарник
Lichen ['laɪkən] - лишайник 

Z Is for Zebra
There are three species of Zebra, all native to the African continent. They differ slightly in their stripes, but all have the same general shape.
Each zebra has its unique stripe pattern, like human fingerprints.
Zebras usually live in small family groups called herds. The leader of the herd stays at the back of the group to defend against predators.
Zebra foals are dark brown and white at birth. They can walk just 20 minutes after they are born, and can run after an hour!
Zebras can run at speeds of up to 50 km an hour. A zebra's eyesight at night is as good as that of a cat or an owl.
They are very dependent on water and usually need to drink every day, so they do not wander far from water holes.
Zebras can communicate with each other. Ears flat back, for example, means the zebra is annoyed, uncomfortable or angry.

Foal – жеребенок